Sunday, October 07, 2012

Market and WIP

 This morning we went to the market in Brussels. We want a bigger diningtable and since we havent been able to find the table we want, we decided to have it made. But for that, we needed to look at some table legs and in Brussels is a store that sells them and it is close to the market...
We started by having one of a pancake like snack with honey and feta, very yummy...

We planned on having lunch in a alocal greek restaurant but it was completely full, so we had some tapas on the corner of a street where there were a lot of people standing, and I must admit, they were delicious. Son #3 doesnt like tapas, so he ate a Belgian waffle or better a waffle from Luik (Luikse wafel).
In the meantime I have been crocheting like a maniac to finish a gift, but luckily, yesterday evening I found out that I am out of woll... So I can only pick up some on wednesday... But I guess I will be able to finish them before Saturday, when I want to give them... So you will have to be patient for some pics.

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