Wednesday, February 08, 2017


Had a fun day. Been busy attending a congres in Brussels. Interesting and learned a lot. They took care of a nice organic lunch and on the way home I bought a nice chocolate mousse gateau. Delicious. I got nice and beautiful presents, so short, it was a wonderful day.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Off the bucket list

Yesterday HD and myself took a curling clinic. We Always see it on TV during the Winter Olympics and we thought we should give it a go.

After an introduction of half an hour in which we were shown how the professionals do it, ahum... It wa stime to get on the ice. Must admit, I wasn´t rally comfortable at it at first, I don´t know how to skate or skeeler, so...

But I must say you get used to the feeling and after about half an hour, I could sweep and walk on it.
It really was great fun to do and defintely worth repeating. And as you maybe can see, we won by 3-2, the losers you can see in the mirror behind us. Great fun.

Thursday, February 02, 2017


Haven´t crocheted in a while, but I found my mojo and here are the results of the last couple of days...
The octopus hat is the new hat we will be wearing on our next ski holiday, so one done, eight more to go...

The pussy hat, I couldn´t resist, I had to make some...

The last one I made last night, because I wanted to finish the last of the wool I used for the pussyhat.