Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year !

First of all, let me wish you a happy New Year. This picture was made last night when the boys were lighting firworks. As you can see, as a safety consultant, I had to buy the boys firework safety goggles. And after the blast of all the fireworks that were light, all fingers, toes and eyes are accounted for.
And as a good Belgian tradition, the boys read their New Year letters. OK, read is a big word, they have memorised them, so I don´t want to know how long the teacher is busy tring to get them to memorise the letter. But they both did very well, so their piggy banks are a lot bigger now.
And after all the partying, again, we ´aired´ they boys on the beach at Katwijk, but it was very cold, so Ruben was not amused and we turned back, but it was a very nice but cold day at the beach.

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