Sunday, June 13, 2010


Do you know what gogo´s are? No, well, these little plastic creatures have taken over my house.
The boys collect them so I have to shop in certain shops that give them with a certain amount of groceries, they will beg fo them or try to get some money from their grandparents and buy them.
As you can see, a certain dutch supermarket made them also for the WK and the one where son #1 stands before is the strongest of them all, but nowhere to be found in the ones you get with your groceries. Luckily I had my camera with me when we went to the store since son #1 would have never forgiven me if I had not taken his picture in front of his favourite... Even son#3 (not yet 2 yeras old) can say gogo...
Count your blessings if you have never heard about gogos. Smile.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Margy,
    I still have a lot of them here stored somewhere.
    I think about 14 ... also 4 Hema Bonkies and 5 carrefour dinsney pins.. if you're interested, I'll mail them over.
    Just pop me an email.


Thanks for stopping by.