Today I worked almost all day on the rocket quilt, and I really like it. DH also told me that the quilt was looking great, so then it must be true, right?
We had a very lazy day overhere since the weather was so so and we also went to bed very late as we visited a friend last night. ALthough the boys went to bed around 10 o´clock, they were awake at 7.00.
So I was standing at the bakery shop at 7.30 and was number 79... they were helping person 58 at that time... This is standard here were we live, and the baker has fresh coffee with freshly baked cookies for those that wait, so it is not to bad waiting for fresh pistoles and koffiekoeken.
And since the ´Last air bender´ is coming out in the cinema this week, DH and the boys watched Avatar all day at Nickelodeon...