No pictures this time.
My dad turned 68 so we went to diner with my parents, their best friends and our family. We chose a child friendly place, where they have an indoor playground, so the kids had a great time and we could enjoy our diner peacefully.
Friends of our had their second daughter Fleur, we still have to visit her, but we will do so this coming week, when the family had their chance to visit their new family addition.
And I am still working on my blue and white quilt. Things are going well and I will post a picture soon of my progress.
So we had a busy weekend which we spent with family.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cupcake swap #1 arrived

She made me some wonderfully handpainted pegs and kitchen utensils, and a lovely little frame.
Also a little egg cosy and some cards. Thank you very much Catherine> Since she told me that my parcel also arrived, I will show you what I sent her.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Snow!!! + update

It started snowing yesterday, but it wouldn´t stay because the ground was too warm. When we droven back from the Sinterklaas party in Holland, yjere was no snow, but once we crossed the border into belgium the snow started. Just before our exit we saw a carcrash on the passover of the highway.
But when we left the highway for home, there must have been a big car crash on our passover because it was closed for traffic, and there were ambulances, fire rigs, etc, so it must have been quite bad. We were the third car behind the crash and after five minutes we realized that this would tke some time and we turned around and found another way were we had to cross another passover which we did very carefully.
ANd now it started snowing for real. We will see what the situation is tomorrow morning. For these parts, it is very early for snow, and some winters we don't even get any snow, so this is great for the kids.
Sinterklaas at Haffmans

They split up all the kids into groups and one group at a time they talked to Sinterklaas, the other groups did games to get their 'Pietendiploma' sort of diploma to show that you can walk on a roof, do funny danses, now how to put presents down the chimney, etc.

When all the kids finished talking to Sinterklaas they got their presents form the Zwarte Pieten. Nic and Peter both got Playmobil and Ruben a soft toy. An afternoon well spent.
Friday, November 21, 2008

I can´t wait to sit done with a good cup of coffee and some Speculaas and start looking at all the fun projects.
Week 47

And the most curious thing is, I sent this parcel from The Netherlands....
So I have contacted Sara and will try again, since she says she still lives on the address she gave me... But someone put a sticker on the address and wrote ´return´ ... Strange.

I also started working again, so that is great, as I have never been away. But I knew the feeling, after the forth time... So it is great to be back at work. And now I will endulge myself in watching the X-files movie and crocheting.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last day

Just saw that I haven´t included Molly´s ornament as I mentioned two entries ago, so here is a pic of it.
Today was a slow day. We had brunch over at my friend An with both our families and a quite afternoon at home. I enjoyed my last day off from work and tomorrow it is back to the rat race. I enjoyed my time with Ruben (he is truely a benjamin since I didn´t stay at home so long with the two other boys...) but it is good to go back to work.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Nordic Bo Peep and Long Lost Sheep Costume GIVEAWAY!!!!
Look at this fabolous costume at Grossgrain called: Nordic Bo Peep and Long Lost Sheep Costume GIVEAWAY!!!! This lady is very talented and she makes lovely costumes. Check her site out.
Friday, November 14, 2008
When I picked up the boys from school, Peter´s teacher let me know that Peter received a stamp today. A small apple on his hand, it turned out that Peter had eaten his apple. You must know that we have never managed to have him eat fruits since he was a baby. So this was a big breakthrough. How big they grow...
This arrived in the mail today. I did a needlework exchange, and Molly made me this wonderful ornament and an even nicer biscornu. I think they look great and they both found a nice place in my home. Thank you very much Molly.

Toadstool bun

They made bread dough and baked the bread in a small plantpot. They also put some jam and chocolate dots on there to finish the toadstool. It looks great and tasted very nice. Well done Nic!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
First day of school

He did fine although I got a bag of laundry this afternoon... still not completely potty trained... Hopefully he makes the ´click´ when he sees all the other chlidren.
He aslo does not eat fruit, and that is compulsory at school, but we never managed to get Peter to eat fruit, unlike his brothers... And the teacher had to ask if it is OK to give him appelesauce. Because that is the one thing he eats, but she thought that it is not allowed to gve to the chlindren... strange but OK, if it is school policy.
We will see how tomorrow goes.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Counting down
The last week of my maternity leave started. Next monday I will start working again, but it feels good. I took care of the boys and now it is time to get back to work. Ruben will be taken well care of by Moeke (our daycare mum). And the other two will go to school. Peter will start school this wednesday... Well I am curious how he will do... Will keep you posted.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Japanese zakka in Belgium

For all of you that like japanese zakka but think it is impossible to find, there is a new site open:
'Zakka' is a Japanese word for anything cute and fun! This lady imports directly from Japan and ships from Belgium. I think she has great stuff and her shop is worthwhile a visit.
So if you need something fun for thje upcoming holidays, check out her site.
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Then I thought I would make my swap partners a bit curious. This is a piece of picture of one of the handmade things I made for the cupcake swap...
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