Friday, January 30, 2009

I´ve been tagged

I have been tagged by An from vANalles en nog wat.

The mission: put the forth picture of the forth folder on your computer on your blog. So here it goes:

Our friends and us had a great idea about have a picture taken of our children by a photogragpher. We bought them matching T-shirts with their names on it and went to the studio. This is the result: three children didn´t want to be in teh icture, one boy walking away angry, three crying babies and a very funny picture... at least that is what I think of this picture. I think it is really cool.

I tag: Evelyn, Jill, Molly and Mee


  1. How fun! With all of the children it would be pretty hard to get a picture where everyone is happy and looking at the camera. There are nine children on my side of the family ranging from 1 to 9 years old. We line them up and everyone grabs their cameras and starts shooting. Between 4 cameras we usually end up with one or two photos that are good. thanks for the tag!

  2. what a funny picture this is! Just the way kids are!


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